Whale watching & wildlife in Atlantic Canada
The nutrient rich waters off the coast of Atlantic Canada are amongst the most productive in the world where up to 12 species can be found including humpbacks, minke and the endangered North Atlantic right whale. Whether you sail from Newfoundland or cruise the Bay of Fundy, the chance for an epic encounter with a cetacean is an experience not to be missed.
The rugged Atlantic coastline is home to vast numbers of pelagic birds including the distinctive puffin and the third largest gannet colony in North America, while the epic wilds of parks throughout the region provide the ideal habitat for caribou and moose, including the Fundy National Park in New Brunswick, Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland and Labrador and Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia, among others. The PEI National Park offers miles and miles of warm, sandy beaches to explore.