Found only 5km from the Vatnajökull National Park, these rooms make the sparkling magnificence of the park’s namesake glacier their backdrop. Featuring landscapes which have been favourably compared to the Swiss Alps, the area’s creation was much more dramatic, when volcanic eruptions under the ice-cap cause glacial floods which swell the area’s rivers.
Offering plenty of activities in the area, the Hotel Skaftafell makes an ideal stopping off point for excursions into the park, out onto the glacier and to the area’s iconic waterfalls. The hotel’s restaurant offers a tranquil setting for guests who are looking for a quality a la carte dining experience.
The fully licensed bar looks out to the Vatnajökull glacier and serves a selection of local beers and quality international wines in a setting that invites guests to relax and enjoy the view.
- 63 Guestrooms
- Breakfast included
- Close to Vatnajökull National Park
- Restaurant and bar
- Complimentary parking